About Me

I am a freelance writer by day and an experimental cook (note: not chef, definitely a 'cook') whenever I get time, which is erm...most of the time. I draw inspiration from Indian cuisine and you can see a ton of that in all my recipes.

Its only been about a year and half since I started cooking so my skills are quite underdeveloped although I do try to make the best use of what I have. One of the major challenges of cooking in India is the unavailability of baking supplies and the temperature. I have found a lot of amazing products at Modern Bazaar but most of them are hugely overpriced. If you find reasonably priced stores in Delhi, email me and share the love!

My blog's name is derived from a very simple fact: I do not own a fancy schmancy camera, its just never figured in my priority list. Again, I am learning new techniques to make my photos appear prettier though I have a long, long way to go.

I mainly focus on simple, easy to make recipes with readily available ingredients. Let's make this blogging journey awesome.